Oak Tree Project

  • 대한민국
  • Jerusalem Ministry
  • General
  • 해당 프로젝트 후원금은 세금 공제 대상입니다

후원 방법

One Time Donation

One Time Donation

One time donations will help provide for books for the students, meals for the students when their mentors meet with them, and other special expenses. If enough one time donations add up, then the money will also be used as scholarships. Paypal can be used for one time donations.

Full Scholarship for One Student

Full Scholarship for One Student

Your support will go towards providing one student with a full monthly scholarship and will also help provide for books and the student's meal during their monthly meetings with their mentors. You will receive updates about the student you are sponsoring.

Monthly Supporter

Monthly Supporter

Your support will go towards the scholarship fund. E-mail us at otpkorea@gmail.com to receive monthly updates about the program.

Prayer Supporter

Prayer Supporter

Please e-mail us at OTPKorea@gmail.com to receive our monthly update.

총 3개 중 1 - 3 표시

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    후원 내역 조회 및 개인설정을 입력하려면 신규 계정을 만드세요.

                영수증에 표기되고 싶은 이름을 입력하세요. 단체를 대신해 후원하신다면 단체명을 기입하세요.