Oak Tree Run 2016

US$5,136 모금됨

이 프로젝트는 더 이상 모금하지 않습니다. 후원에 감사합니다.

  • Jerusalem Ministry
  • Fundraiser
  • 해당 프로젝트 후원금은 세금 공제 대상입니다

후원 방법

General Fund

General Fund

Sponsor an orphan's run

Sponsor an orphan's run

Our 18 students and many kids still living in the homes will be participating this year. Please donate here if you would like to sponsor their run.

Sponsor a full scholarship

Sponsor a full scholarship

Each student in the scholarship program receives about $500 a month (exactly 500,000won). One full scholarship for a student is $6,000. Donate here if you would like to sponsor one student for 2017. You will be provided with updates about your student during the year and if you visit Korea you can meet the student. Groups are also welcome to sponsor one student (10 people giving $50 a month, for example). Please e-mail us at otpkorea@gmail.com if you have a group desiring to sponsor a student.

총 4개 중 1 - 4 표시

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